2019-08-23 14:54:50 +08:00
Network Connectivity
[09:18 PM PDT] We are investigating connectivity issues affecting some instances in a single Availability Zone in the AP-NORTHEAST-1 Region.
[09:47 PM PDT] We can confirm that some instances are impaired and some EBS volumes are experiencing degraded performance within a single Availability Zone in the AP-NORTHEAST-1 Region. Some EC2 APIs are also experiencing increased error rates and latencies. We are working to resolve the issue.
[10:27 PM PDT] We have identified the root cause and are working toward recovery for the instance impairments and degraded EBS volume performance within a single Availability Zone in the AP-NORTHEAST-1 Region.
[11:40 PM PDT] We are starting to see recovery for instance impairments and degraded EBS volume performance within a single Availability Zone in the AP-NORTHEAST-1 Region. We continue to work towards recovery for all affected instances and EBS volumes.