请教 rhel8 不支持 docker,可是为何一直无法安装最新的 podman 呢 ,看文档总是装成 1.0.2

2019-09-01 00:14:48 +08:00
sjmcefc2  sjmcefc2

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 does not support Docker: on this distribution it has been replaced by Red Hat own tools like buildah and podman, which are compatible with Docker but don't need a server/client architecture to run. Using native tools, where possibile, is always the recommended way to go, but for a reason or another you may still want to install the original Docker.

In this tutorial, we saw how it is possible to install Docker CE on Rhel8, by using the official Docker repository for CentOS7, which is a 100% compatible clone. This is not an ideal solution, but it does work correctly, and, at the moment, is the only possible workaround to use Docker Community Edition on Rhel8.

RHEL8 不支持 docker,自己弄了 podman,可是哪里可以装最新的 podman 呢?还有就是好多文档上来就是 pull images,好像每次卡一个都要 pull ?想知道哪里有很详细的学习自己。谢谢

5316 次点击
所在节点   Docker  Docker
2 条回复
2019-09-01 00:21:33 +08:00
? rhel 不能用 dockers 是不是太可惜了
2019-09-01 00:46:00 +08:00

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