基于uniapp 自定义导航栏|仿微信、淘宝顶部导航条,支持背景渐变、标题居左 /居中、搜索条,圆点提示,按钮可自定义传入文字 /字体图标 /图片
对于如何实现导航栏设置,可通过 uni-app 原生导航配置或自定义导航栏两种方法都行
uni-app 原生导航栏也能实现一些顶部自定义按钮+搜索框,只需在 page.json 里面做一些配置即可。设置 app-plus,dcloud 平台对 app-plus 做了详细说明:app-plus 配置,不过目前暂支持 H5、App 端,不支持小程序。
在项目 page.json 里面配置 app-plus
"path": "pages/ucenter/index",
"style": {
"navigationBarTitleText": "我的",
"app-plus": {
"titleNView": {
"buttons": [
"text": "\ue670",
"fontSrc": "/static/iconfont.ttf",
"fontSize": "22px",
"float": "left"
"text": "\ue62c",
"fontSrc": "/static/iconfont.ttf",
"fontSize": "22px"
那如何实现像微信、京东顶部导航栏,支持背景色渐变、标题居左、居中、搜索条、按钮自定义。。。 将 navigationStyle 设为 custom 或 titleNView 设为 false 时,原生导航栏不显示,这时就能自定义导航栏
"globalStyle": { "navigationStyle": "custom" }
不过在 H5、小程序、App 端状态栏需重新计算处理,下面为大家提供一种处理方法,在 App.vue 里面设置即可
onLaunch: function() {
Vue.prototype.statusBar = e.statusBarHeight
// #ifndef MP
if(e.platform == 'android') {
Vue.prototype.customBar = e.statusBarHeight + 50
}else {
Vue.prototype.customBar = e.statusBarHeight + 45
// #endif
// #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
let custom = wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect()
Vue.prototype.customBar = custom.bottom + custom.top - e.statusBarHeight
// #endif
// #ifdef MP-ALIPAY
Vue.prototype.customBar = e.statusBarHeight + e.titleBarHeight
// #endif
<header-bar :isBack="false" title="标题信息" titleTintColor="#fff">
<text slot="back" class="uni_btnIco iconfont icon-arrL"></text>
<text slot="iconfont" class="uni_btnIco iconfont icon-search" @tap="aaa"></text>
<text slot="iconfont" class="uni_btnIco iconfont icon-tianjia" @tap="bbb"></text>
<!-- <text slot="string" class="uni_btnString" @tap="ccc">添加好友</text> -->
<image slot="image" class="uni_btnImage" src="../../static/logo.png" mode="widthFix" @tap="ddd"></image>
<header-bar :isBack="true" titleTintColor="#fff" :bgColor="{'background-image': 'linear-gradient(45deg, #007AFF 10%, #005cbf)'}" search>
<text slot="back" class="uni_btnIco iconfont icon-arrL"></text>
<text slot="iconfont" class="uni_btnIco iconfont icon-choose03" @tap="aaa"></text>
<image slot="image" class="uni_btnImage" src="../../static/logo.png" mode="widthFix" @tap="ddd"></image>
<header-bar :isBack="true" title="我的" titleTintColor="#fff" :bgColor="{background: '#353535'}">
<text slot="back" class="uni_btnIco iconfont icon-close"></text>
<text slot="iconfont" class="uni_btnIco iconfont icon-search"></text>
<text slot="string" class="uni_btnString" style="color: #2B9939;">添加好友</text>
* @tpl 顶部导航模板(自定义) by andy Q:282310962
<view class="uni_topbar" :style="style">
<view class="inner flexbox flex_alignc" :class="[fixed ? 'fixed' : '']" :style="[{'height': customBarH + 'px', 'padding-top': statusBarH + 'px', 'color': titleTintColor}, bgColor]">
<!-- 返回 -->
<!-- <text class="uni_icoBack iconfont icon-arrL" v-if="isBack" @tap="goBack"></text> -->
<view v-if="isBack" @tap="goBack">
<slot name="back"></slot>
<slot name="headerL"></slot>
<!-- 标题 -->
<!-- #ifndef MP -->
<view class="flex1" v-if="!search && center"></view>
<!-- #endif -->
<view class="uni_title flex1" :class="[center ? 'uni_titleCenter' : '']" :style="[isBack ? {'font-size': '32upx', 'padding-left': '0'} : '']" v-if="!search && title">
<view class="uni_search flex1" :class="[searchRadius ? 'uni_searchRadius' : '']" v-if="search"> />
<input class="uni_searchIpt flex1" type="text" placeholder="搜索" placeholder-style="color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);" />
<!-- 右侧 -->
<view class="uni_headerRight flexbox flex_row flex_alignc">
<slot name="iconfont"></slot>
<slot name="string"></slot>
<slot name="image"></slot>
export default {
data() {
return {
statusBarH: this.statusBar,
customBarH: this.customBar
props: {
isBack: { type: [Boolean, String], default: true },
title: { type: String, default: '' },
titleTintColor: { type: String, default: '#fff' },
bgColor: Object,
center: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false },
search: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false },
searchRadius: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false },
fixed: { type: [Boolean, String], default: false },
computed: {
style() {
let _style = `height: ${this.customBarH}px;`
return _style
methods: {
goBack() {
链接: https://juejin.im/post/5d806bd36fb9a06ad005a2a7
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.