PW到手已经将近半个月了。除了底部明显漏光之外(事先就知道,所以没在意,不影响使用),今天去买菜,把kindle放到购物篮,没压什么东西。 刚刚拿起来一看,咦,怎么屏幕中央有一小块蓝影子了(不明显,大概3*5cm不规则范围)。 心想尼玛我刚刚没压到你吧,怎么突然就有蓝影了,背光越亮越明显。 刚刚google了一下paperwhite blue shadow,发现也有人提出了这个问题
Yes, if your PW shows shades of pink and blue, it is a defect, and posters at Amazon's forum say Kindle customer service has acknowledged this and it is being investigated. Some people report the discoloration diminishes with time. Forunately, Amazon is great about replacing Kindles within the first 30 days, so if it's an issue when you get yours, and it doesn't go away after a couple of weeks, givem them a call.