bluehost主动发邮件要合作。什么情况? 不会是欺诈吧?

2013-02-17 09:01:02 +08:00
iloveyou  iloveyou

I would like to develop a mutually beneficial partnership. I have a proposal that will for sure generate a lot more revenue than the buy sell ads that you have on your website.

I am willing to give you a $100 per referral (per every customer that you send to us). Our normal affiliate payout is $65. I am willing to increase that to $100 because of the quality of traffic that you get to your website.
I will give you a free domain name and free hosting for a year so you test our services and decide whether to recommend us or not ( to partner with us or not).

Some facts about Bluehost:

We are growing by over 30,000 new sites per month and host over 5 million websites. We have been a recommend web host by since 2005. We keep on striving to offer the best hosting platform.

If you decide to proceed with the partnership and once your affiliate account is all set up, I would recommend creating a page on your website that is promoting hosting and Bluehost as your preferred partner for ease of setup and use. Here are a few relationships we have with other providers that may give you some good ideas on how to best do this:
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2013-02-17 21:27:36 +08:00
2013-02-18 01:15:53 +08:00

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