Recently I use my LINODE server, the speed is very slow either SSH or FTP or HTTP download speed is only 70 KB / S so help me check it?
try this : http://www.******.cn/uploadfile/2012/0511/20120511031628508.mp3
Test address in China .
qriis 17 days ago Hello,
I am able to download that file without issue -
This is most likely an issue with your local ISP - you will likely want to reach out to your ISP to troubleshoot further.
Regards, Quintin
= 100%[=================================================>] 3,826,859 1.95M/s in 1.9s
****** 17 days ago Thanks for your Reply ,
But ISP behavior looks intentional, I can do something to improve it by myself ?
cciufo 17 days ago Hello,
If it is something your ISP is doing, you would have to contact them, we wouldn't be able to provide any suggestions as to how you can correct this yourself as it is outside of our network.