Mac 终端利器 iTerm2 被曝严重的 RCE 漏洞,至少已存在 7 年

2019-10-10 18:27:22 +08:00

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该漏洞影响于本周早些时候发布的 3.3.5 版本及之前版本。

目前补丁已发布但自动更新尚未推送,建议用户立即在 iTerm2 目录中选择“检查新版本”手动更新至最新版本 3.3.6。

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2019-10-10 19:23:38 +08:00
3.3.6 版本部分 release notes

iTerm2 version 3.3.6

This build fixes a serious security issue. All
users should upgrade.

The Mozilla Foundation has generously sponsored a
security audit of the iTerm2 source code. As part
of this audit, a problem was discovered which
could cause iTerm2 to issue commands in response
to receiving certain input. This is a serious
security issue because in some circumstances it
could allow an attacker to execute commands on
your machine when you view a file or otherwise
receive input they have crafted in iTerm2.

This issue has been assigned CVE-2019-9535.

For more information, please visit the
iterm2-discuss group.!forum/iterm2-discuss

For the full release notes for version 3.3, please

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