逛 kickstarter 发现一款看起来不错的 M.2 SSD + Hub 的二合一产品

2019-10-22 15:40:26 +08:00
willbing  willbing

地址: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/signaturepro/signature-pro-worlds-first-ssd-enclosure-and-adapter-hub?lang=zh

看起来是一款带 M.2 的 SSD 硬盘盒 和 Hub 扩充接口融合在一起, 介绍写的速率貌似不错?不知道散热如何。


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4 条回复
2019-10-22 15:44:22 +08:00
如果是雷电 3 还行,3.1 gen2 才 10G 的总容量,一个 4K60Hz 就能占满了,nvme 还能跑得动吗
2019-10-22 15:53:18 +08:00
@tyhunter emmm...全篇没提,但问答页面有人问
Is it possible to use the Flujo Signature Pro connected to a Thunderbolt 2 to Thunderbolt 3 adapter to MacBook Pro 2015?
Unfortunately, MacBook Pro 2015 is not compatible with the Signature Pro because it uses Thunderbolt 2 interface, instead of Thunderbolt 3.
看起来是雷电 3 的?

Is there room for thermal pads/heat sink inside the Flujo Signature Pro?

In our earlier product development stage, we had done multiple rounds of stress test to the product and the results came out positively. The maximum temperature when an entire full load is reached is 48.5°C. Due to the Flujo Signature Pro small form factor, there is no room for thermal pads or heat sink inside the unit. As for the finished product, we had done shielding to the product's body and also, we are using an aluminum casing as the exterior casing as it dissipates the heat faster than the usual plastic casing. The 8 adaptor ports also provide a source for heat to escape.
2019-10-22 15:57:07 +08:00
@willbing 不是雷电。。。是普通 c 口
2019-10-22 17:39:48 +08:00
@willbing 我看他写了 10Gb/s 就猜到肯定不是雷 3 了,你说的接口里不兼容 2015mbp 是因为只有 2016 及以上才搭载 usb-c 接口,雷 3 是协议走的 usb-c 接口

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