VSC 插件 Selection Converter : 用自定义函数对选中文字进行转换

2019-11-24 20:55:36 +08:00
klesh  klesh



export interface TrFile {
   // 下面是从文档上直接 copy 下来的
   "cookies"            | string      pointer to a string of one or more cookies.
   "download-dir"       | string      path to download the torrent to
   "filename"           | string      filename or URL of the .torrent file
   "metainfo"           | string      base64-encoded .torrent content
   "paused"             | boolean     if true, don't start the torrent
   "peer-limit"         | number      maximum number of peers
   "bandwidthPriority"  | number      torrent's bandwidth tr_priority_t
   "files-wanted"       | array       indices of file(s) to download
   "files-unwanted"     | array       indices of file(s) to not download
   "priority-high"      | array       indices of high-priority file(s)
   "priority-low"       | array       indices of low-priority file(s)
   "priority-normal"    | array       indices of normal-priority file(s)


export interface TrFile {
  // 下面是转换后的
  "cookies": string               // pointer
  "download-dir": string          // path
  "filename": string              // filename
  "metainfo": string              // base64-encoded
  "paused": boolean               // if
  "peer-limit": number            // maximum
  "bandwidthPriority": number     // torrent's
  "files-wanted": array           // indices
  "files-unwanted": array         // indices
  "priority-high": array          // indices
  "priority-low": array           // indices
  "priority-normal": array        // indices

找了半天没有合适的工具, 因此自己撸了一个插件来调用自定义函数对选中文件进行修改。

插件地址: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=kleshwong.selection-converter

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