TG 可不可以自己搭建一套

2019-11-26 14:33:34 +08:00

wx 确实有些不方便,tg 不是开源的吗,有没有人搭建一套?

4190 次点击
所在节点    程序员
3 条回复
2019-11-26 14:49:59 +08:00
看在网上搜索 tg 自建全是自建 DL 的份上:

Q: Can I run Telegram using my own server?
Our architecture does not support federation yet. Telegram is a unified cloud service, so creating forks where two users might end up on two different Telegram clouds is unacceptable. To enable you to run your own Telegram server while retaining both speed and security is a task in itself. At the moment, we are undecided on whether or not Telegram should go in this direction.
2019-11-26 20:11:54 +08:00
tg 只是客户端开源,服务端好像没开源
2019-11-26 21:52:51 +08:00
如果有类似需求,可以考虑 Nextcloud Talk

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