被美亚 close 账号了还有找回的可能吗?

2019-11-28 03:07:05 +08:00



After a review of your details, we have determined it necessary to close your Amazon.com account. Any pending orders have been canceled.

We may not reply to further emails about this issue.


Account Specialist



I've posted it countless times!!! Why do you reply to me with the same email every time? Why can't you tell me what information is wrong?

About my account on Amazon.com: XXX, I have provided my personal information many times by email!!!

so many time!!!

such as billing address, mobile phone number, etc., but the time has passed for a long time, the account is still still Unavailable status.

My Credit Card last four digits : XXX
Billing Name: XXX
Billing Name inChinese : XXX
Billing Address:XXX
Billing address in Chinese: XXX
Phone Number:XXX

This Billing Name and address is the information in the bank.

Could you check out for it and pls do not answer me with the same auto-reply email,and I already provided so many information to you.ID card,Credit Card.

But My account still did not work.

Maybe you reply me and tell me the other information i was supposed to provide.

I am really tired about reply the same information to you again and again.

Could you guys take a moment to help me ?


上次的帖子: https://www.v2ex.com/t/615392#reply35



There was a problem confirming your payment information. To prevent potential misuse of your payment card, we have placed your orders on hold and locked your account. You will not be able to place orders until we verify your information.

To resolve this issue, we need to verify a recent statement for your visa ending in 02. To upload your statement to our secure document portal, log in to your amazon.com account on a browser and follow the instructions.

The following information must be clearly displayed on the statement:
-- Your name and billing address.
-- The last 4 digits of the card number. For your protection, make sure that only the last 4 digits are displayed.

We will review your statement and respond within 24 hours and will cancel your open orders if this remains unresolved in the next 72 hours. To protect your information, we cannot accept documents via email and restrict access to your statement to a team of account specialists. Our Customer Service team can confirm that we sent this email, but they cannot view your statement or share more information about this issue.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

We ask that you not open new accounts because any new order that you place may be delayed.


Account Specialist


Your information has been reviewed.
The information you supplied was reviewed by Amazon but we cannot unlock your account at this time. For details, check for an email or text message from Amazon describing next steps. Please contact us for further concerns.
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41 条回复
2019-11-29 23:04:35 +08:00
@ra1983 非常感谢!我收到最新的邮件是礼品卡的问题,我看看能不能发付款的账单给 amazon,总之谢谢了!

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