最近翻出来一块 250G 的硬盘,想安装个 gentoo 玩 安装过程基本顺利,只是用 LVM 的话开机无法挂载,没研究明白,所以放弃 LVM 了
按照 wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/AMDGPU
VIDEO_CARDS="amdgpu radeonsi"
[*] Enable amdgpu support for SI parts (DRM_AMDGPU_SI)
(only needed for Southern Islands GPUs with the amdgpu driver)
[ ] Enable amdgpu support for CIK parts (DRM_AMDGPU_CIK)
(only needed for Sea Islands GPUs with the amdgpu driver)
ACP (Audio CoProcessor) Configuration --->
[ ] Enable AMD Audio CoProcessor IP support (CONFIG_DRM_AMD_ACP)
(only needed for APUs)
Display Engine Configuration --->
[*] AMD DC - Enable new display engine (DRM_AMD_DC)
[ ] DC support for Polaris and older ASICs
(only needed for Polaris, Carrizo, Tonga, Bonaire, Hawaii)
[ ] AMD FBC - Enable Frame Buffer Compression
[ ] DCN 1.0 Raven family
(only needed for Vega RX as part of Raven Ridge APUs)
<*/M> HSA kernel driver for AMD GPU devices (HSA_AMD)
Device Drivers --->
Generic Driver Options --->
Firmware loader --->
-*- Firmware loading facility
(radeon/<YOUR-MODEL>.bin 在下面列出了全部内容) Build named firmware blobs into the kernel binary
(/lib/firmware) Firmware blobs root directory
radeon/pitcairn_ce.bin radeon/pitcairn_mc.bin radeon/pitcairn_me.bin radeon/pitcairn_pfp.bin radeon/pitcairn_rlc.bin radeon/pitcairn_smc.bin radeon/pitcairn_k_smc.bin radeon/TAHITI_uvd.bin radeon/TAHITI_vce.bin
fb:switching to amdgpudrmfb from EFI VGA
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