newrelic 的定价策略

2019-12-16 17:26:16 +08:00
看了 newrelic 的定价策略,看得我满头问号?

Cloud-based: Ideal when running dynamic computing environments in the cloud.
Self-hosted: Best when running static environments consisting of hosts managed in your own data center.

Cloud-based 需要购买 compute unit

Self-hosted 需要选择主机数 host

Compute Unit: (# of CPU Cores + GB of RAM) x HOURS USED. (increments of 500)
Host: A physical machine, virtual machine, or cloud instance that runs your applications.

Self-hosted 是自己购买云服务器,自己搭建 newrelic 的意思?
Compute Unit 是自己每台应用服务器使用的时间????

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