微软 Azure Machine Learning 招聘

2019-12-18 15:14:41 +08:00
chengcic  chengcic

最近组里多了十多个 Head Count,试试 V2EX 能不能帮忙招到人。

介绍一下组里未来的工作。我们组属于 AI Platform 团队,主要关注在 Azure Machine Learning 上的产品开发,http://azure.com/ml。更具体的可以参照英文 JD。工作地点北京、苏州。

JD 要求只是参考,可以无视,有兴趣的同学欢迎投递简历至邮箱 liucheng at microsoft.com

Azure machine learning

Microsoft’s vision for Azure Machine Learning http://azure.com/ml is to make machine learning technology accessible to every enterprise, data scientist, developer, information worker, consumer, and device, anywhere in the world. Traditional data analysis tools are no longer sufficient to draw rich insights from terabytes and petabytes of data.

We are building the Azure Machine Learning service that will make it easy for all data scientists and AI developers to create and deploy robust, scalable and highly available machine learning solutions in the cloud. We are using the best of the open source ecosystem and innovation from inside the company and the latest breakthroughs in research and bringing them to everyone, not just companies specializing in AI and ML.

We are looking for software engineers who is passionate about designing and building a machine learning platform for on-premises, cloud and hybrid environments. You will have an opportunity to design and scale advanced machine learning and statistical techniques to work on “big data” using a highly available distributed infrastructure. The successful candidate will bring a live-site oriented mindset, an iterative approach to services development, and an understanding of “big data” problems and solutions.


This position is for an engineer focused on powering the Azure Machine Learning Services effort. As a software engineer in our organization, you'll be responsible for building the services that allow data scientists and developers to build, train, validate, deploy and inference their machine learning models. You will be creating services to allow our customers to run model training jobs over 100s of GPUs and run model inferencing with high performance.

We value passion, creativity, and desire to learn new complex technical areas, agility and accountability while pivoting a team towards greater result. You will be responsible for fully understanding requirements and providing solutions that match the needs.


Basic Qualifications

Preferred Qualifications

Benefits/perks listed below may vary depending on the nature of your employment with Microsoft and the country where you work.

3080 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
4 条回复
2019-12-18 16:52:02 +08:00
问一下没有 machine learning 的后端能投这个岗位吗?
2019-12-24 10:55:02 +08:00
@vjnjc 好久没上论坛,才看到抱歉。我的理解是你没有 Machine Learning 的背景想来投这个岗位是吗?如果你有兴趣欢迎投递。我们欢迎任何背景的候选人。
2019-12-24 11:04:45 +08:00
@chengcic 多谢回复。上次没等到回复我就自己投了简历,是苏州的这个岗位哈
2019-12-24 15:58:49 +08:00
@vjnjc 没错,苏州北京都有。

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