应用市场地址: http://addons.fecmall.com/45263532
Step 1: Your front-end requests a client token from your server and initializes the client SDK.
客户端(譬如浏览器等客户端)请求服务端,发送一个获取client toke
的请求,并且初始化客户端 sdk
Step 2: Your server generates and sends a client token back to your client using the server SDK.
服务端通过 sdk 生成client toke
Step 3: The customer submits payment information, the client SDK communicates that information to Braintree and returns a payment method nonce.
客户端提交支付信息,客户端 SDK 将该信息传达给 Braintree,Braintree 接收请求后,将 支付方式随机数
Step 4: Your front-end sends the payment method nonce to your server.
客户端将第 3 步返回的 支付方式随机数
Step 5: Your server code receives the payment method nonce and then uses the server SDK to create a transaction
服务端接收客户端发送的 支付方式随机数
,然后通过服务端 sdk 生成一个订单交易。
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