Creative Writing In The Age Of Technology : The Era Of Writing Apps

2019-12-26 20:05:44 +08:00

Writing is a solitary profession. A writer sometimes spends days together before a particular thought comes or an existing thought matures into a smooth flow of words. But one must keep in mind the difficulty with which our creative aspirations get wings. In this world of solitude, one often finds oneself lost and clueless about what one is trying to create. The discipline is particularly challenging because one doesn’t get a sense of satisfaction until a clear and final picture takes shape in front of our eyes. But thanks to the new advancements in the current age, writers are not as isolated as they were about a century ago.

Apps have come to the aid of writers like most disciplines in our times. A novice writer can use the aid of these apps to figure out what they would like to write about. Apps like iMindMap allows user to create mind maps for users to figure out what they are planning to create. It helps is shaping chapters of a book. Campfire is a story planning software for new fiction writers. Campfire helps writers to stay organized. Blurt helps writers continue their creative writing habit by working a bit everyday.

Apps like Dragon Naturally Speaking and Rev allow writers to dictate and quickly finish their tasks. These apps help in increasing the efficiency of writers, especially those who have stiff deadlines to meet. There are other apps like Grammarly, Ginger Software, Hemingway app which help writers to check grammar and editing options. Copypaste is an app built on the blockstack platform which allows writers to clip and store interesting nuggets that they find during their research for future reference. It saves the information on the decentralized web. Dayone app is also similar to Copypaste as it helps you journal your ideas every day as once lost, these precious gems will almost certainly never come back.

Scrivener, IA writer, Final Draft are some of the applications that help you write based on the form of writing you are indulging in. Very few writers switch between different applications based on their needs, but if they do there are plenty of options. Finally, the 21st century writers can save their documents on Blockchain. There are plenty of new age decentralized platforms that allow you to save your content on Blockchain and Fictionbook which is a decentralized story writing tool is one among them. Fictionbook allows writers to save their work on Blockchain. Fictionbook uses Blockstack authentication for verifying the credential of its users.

So, if you ever wanted to become a writer or write something for yourself, this may be the time to begin as there are plenty of cool apps to help you fight the battle and make you realise that you are not alone in this.

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