statement HPV 广泛存在于自然界吧,人的皮肤、消化道、呼吸道等都携带有这种病毒。所以, 凡是有性生活的女性,都有可能通过性接触,几乎都得过,而且是一过性的,没有察觉到可能就被免疫系统消灭了,或者一直存在体内,等免疫系统扫描完全身扫描到了就被消灭。
以下来自美国 fda:
What else can I do to lower my chances of getting HPV?
You can choose not to have sex (abstinence).
If you have sex, you can limit the number of partners you have.
Choose a partner who has had no or few sex partners. The fewer partners your partner has had -- the less likely he or she is to have HPV.
It is not known how much condoms protect against HPV. Areas not covered by a condom can be exposed to the virus.
https://www.fda.gov/consumers/women/hpv-human-papillomavirus 这个对 hpv 的描述比较具体,毕竟是美国最权威的。