Hbase 中如何不插入空值-Pandas Python

2020-01-08 14:43:07 +08:00


 test_a      test_b   test_c   test_d   test_date
1   a           500      0.1      111      20191101
2   a           NaN      0.2      NaN      20191102
3   a           200      0.1      111      20191103
4   a           400      NaN      222      20191104
5   a           NaN      0.2      333      20191105

我现在导入的数据中有空字符串,在 pandas 中,对空值做了处理 df = df.fillna('')

COLUMN                           CELL                                             
 test:test_a                      timestamp=1578389750838, value=a                  
 test:test_b                      timestamp=1578389788675, value=                   
 test:test_c                      timestamp=1578389775471, value=0.2                
 test:test_d                      timestamp=1578449081388, value=

如何让它在 Hbase 查询 get 'test', 'a201911012'后是如下结果:

COLUMN                           CELL                                              
 test:test_a                      timestamp=1578389750838, value=a                  
 test:test_c                      timestamp=1578389775471, value=0.2  


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