Rust 写了个 leetcode-cli, 诚邀大佬们来体验 🐳

2020-01-09 17:56:31 +08:00

本来想老老实实刷下 leetcode 年后认认真真找个工作...结果 20 道没刷够就跑神写了这个 proj,蛮有意思的,参考了 skygragon 大牛的 node 版本,在里面添了个 python 解释器,可以通过 python 脚本过滤题目。

(粘一下 README 过来...)



  • [x] the edit flow —— solution files will generate automatically!
  • [x] support python scripts to filter questions
  • [ ] doc support, lc-rs can compile the annotation of your solutions to markdown!
  • [ ] support local signal to keep coding as longer as you want.


cargo install leetcode-cli


Please make sure you have logined in with chrome, more info plz checkout this

leetcode 0.2.6
clearloop <>
Here's to the crazy ones 👻

    leetcode [FLAGS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -d, --debug      debug mode
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    data    Manage Cache [aliases: d]
    edit    Edit question by id [aliases: e]
    exec    Submit solution [aliases: x]
    list    List problems [aliases: l]
    pick    Pick a problem [aliases: p]
    stat    Show simple chart about submissions [aliases: s]
    test    Edit question by id [aliases: t]
    help    Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)


For example, if your config is:

lang = "rust"
editor = "emacs"

1. pick

leetcode pick 1
[1] Two Sum is on the run...

Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target.

You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice.



Given nums = [2, 7, 11, 15], target = 9,

Because nums[0] + nums[1] = 2 + 7 = 9,
return [0, 1].

2. edit

leetcode edit 1
impl Solution {
    pub fn two_sum(nums: Vec<i32>, target: i32) -> Vec<i32> {
        use std::collections::HashMap;
        let mut m: HashMap<i32, i32> = HashMap::new();

        for (i, e) in nums.iter().enumerate() {
            if let Some(v) = m.get(&(target - e)) {
                return vec![*v, i as i32];

            m.insert(*e, i as i32).unwrap_or_default();

        return vec![];

3. test

leetcode test 1

  Accepted       Runtime: 0 ms

  Your input:    [2,7,11,15], 9
  Output:        [0,1]
  Expected:      [0,1]

4. submit

leetcode submit 1


  Runtime: 0 ms, faster than 100% of Rustonline submissions for Two Sum.

  Memory Usage: 2.4 MB, less than 100% of Rustonline submissions for Two Sum.


The cookie plugin of leetcode-cil can work on OSX and Linux, If you are on other platforms or your cookies just don't want to be catched, you can handwrite your LeetCode Cookies to ~/.leetcode/leetcode.toml

# Make sure `leetcode.toml` file is placed at `~/.leetcode/leetcode.toml`
csrf = "..."
session = "..."

For Example, if you're using chrome to login to

Step 1

Open chrome and paste the link below to the chrome linkbar.


Step 2

Copy the contents of LEETCODE_SESSION and csrftoken.

Step 3

Paste them to session and csrf.

# Make sure `leetcode.toml` file is placed at `~/.leetcode/leetcode.toml`
csrf = "${csrftoken}"
session = "${LEETCODE_SESSION}"


If we want to filter leetcode questions using our own python scripts, what should we do?

For example, our config is:

# Make sure `leetcode.toml` file is placed at `~/.leetcode/leetcode.toml`
scripts = "scripts"

We write our python scripts:

# ~/.leetcode/scripts/
import json;

def plan(sps, stags):
    # `print` in python is supported, 
    # if you want to know the data structures of these two args, 
    # just print them
    problems = json.loads(sps)
    tags = json.loads(stags)
    ret = []
    tm = {}
    for tag in tags:
        tm[tag["tag"]] = tag["refs"];

    for i in problems:
        if i["level"] == 1 and str(i["id"]) in tm["linked-list"]:

    # return is `List[string]`
    return ret

Then we can run filter as what we write now:

leetcode list -p plan1

Well done, enjoy it!


PR is welcome, here it is.



欢迎来提 issues 和 pr~

计划是在这一个多月内达到 medium 不卡壳的难度,如果碰巧有小伙伴这阵子也在刷 leetcode,请联系小子,求搭伙儿!

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8 条回复
2020-01-09 22:05:46 +08:00
点赞,顺便搭车看看有没有一起刷的....code 不易,期 leet code nan 上加难
2020-01-10 00:27:52 +08:00
在 Trello 上列了个比较平稳的计划 hhh

里面有微信群的二维码,一起刷的朋友点进来看看嘿嘿,Master LeetCode.
2020-01-10 09:38:56 +08:00
我也在学 rust,学着玩
2020-01-11 15:06:12 +08:00
2020-01-13 20:00:56 +08:00
登录 leetcode 怎么做的呢,我记得之前 leetcode 登录用上了 recaptcha,然后就只能曲线救国用三方登录了。
2020-01-14 12:34:20 +08:00

recaptcha 确实搞不定...直接去掉了账号密码,读 chrome cookies 登录 = =
2020-01-14 12:51:53 +08:00

+ 前天做了 10 道 easy 的 Linked-List
+ 昨天做了 21 道 easy 的 tree

Rust 刷 LeetCode 的感受是,我现在开始怀疑我以前写的都是假 Rust....好在越写越顺,昨天晚上的最后几道题都没有看讨论区的答案,包括之前面试 1 个小时做不出来的题,现在能够很轻松地写出来。

趁着讨论区的 Rust 解法还总是突破不了个位数 LOL,也 Post 上去一些小子自己的答案。

自学编程 3 年多,至今还是算法 0 基础(抱着我要是能够做出牛逼的项目,算法再渣也能混口饭吃的心态...) —— 打算这周奋发图强刷 300 道 easy,是不是怂货,够不够努力,自我验证下 🦀
2020-02-18 18:54:52 +08:00

事实证明 300 道题的计划失败了,认怂!

刷完 easy 的链表和二叉树后,突然有灵感去做一个 wasm UI library,昨天刚刚阶段性完工,再一次开启刷题计划嘿嘿,但愿这次能够老老实实刷题直到找到工作吧!

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