[德国][猎头][招聘][技术移民] Product / project manager digital pharmacy 产品/项目经理[英文岗位]

2020-02-03 22:54:33 +08:00






其他岗位 ** [均为英文岗位] **

德国招聘 | Product / project manager digital pharmacy 产品 /项目经理

Our client is the NGDA - Netzgesellschaft Deutscher Apotheker mbH (NGDA). NGDA was founded as a wholly owned subsidiary of Avoxa - Mediengruppe Deutscher Apotheker GmbH (Avoxa). Purpose of the company: Development and operation of a secure, intelligent, digital data network for pharmacists and pharmacies as well as the connection to the telematics infrastructure of the German healthcare system. The main task of the NGDA is accordingly the technical development of an eHealth infrastructure, which is implemented by pharmacists for pharmacists, i.e. the development of secure digital processes between the actors in the healthcare system. Health IT experts, pharmacists and other top-class specialists are working on innovative solutions. For the dynamic business area IT pharmacy services and the lighthouse project eRezept we are looking for:

Product / project manager digital pharmacy

The responsibilities and core tasks of this position:

The professional requirements profile:

The personal requirement profile:

The services of a dynamic start-up combined with a strong professional organization:

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