MacBook 装 win10 后分享

2020-02-05 18:38:30 +08:00

疫情问题,导致 macos 因为 steam 打开会有 8G 内存使用(似乎是我账号问题,问了 steam 客服也无果),无奈安装 win10,还能接上手柄玩游戏。

使用下,发现几个问题,1 是双指滚动,这也太反人类了,windows 笔记本上双指也不至于这样反向滚动,以及玩游戏,touhbar 一直亮,看着就很烦,所以我就安装修改注册表方法,把滚动方向 0 改为 1,结果重启后,直接弹:

而且 touchbar 也不亮了,键盘等也不亮了!似乎非常适合玩游戏。

3938 次点击
所在节点    MacBook Pro
22 条回复
2020-02-05 18:51:49 +08:00

至少 win10 可以这样。

2020-02-05 19:09:27 +08:00
2020-02-05 19:27:30 +08:00
touchbar 利用起来才是游戏利器
2020-02-05 20:19:13 +08:00
2020-02-05 22:14:45 +08:00
为什么不买台 Windows 电脑专门玩游戏?
2020-02-05 22:55:51 +08:00
@zhuangku556 台式电脑,5w,在外地工作上班租房中。这不是过年回家嘛。
2020-02-05 22:56:05 +08:00
@yanlx win10 现在有这设置了?
2020-02-05 23:07:05 +08:00
steam 本体程序运行起来就占用这么大 ram ?完全清洁卸载然后重装 steam 能不能解决问题?
2020-02-05 23:10:18 +08:00
@BrettD 不行,看我与 steam 客服的对话:

您于 1 月 30 日下午 10:02 ­回复的信息 | 6 天前
Why does the Steam client consume a lot of memory?
I tested one of my steam accounts, because there are 4000 games, when I open steam, the memory display uses 9.35G. When I switched to another steam account for 600 games, the memory was only 235mb.

您于 1 月 30 日下午 10:03 ­回复的信息 | 6 天前
I forgot to say that I used the latest version of macOS and tested the MacBook and iMac with the same results.

于 2 月 2 日上午 5:32 来自 Steam 客服的信息 | 3 天前

When you notice that Steam may be using more resources on your system than normal it could be caused by a few different issues. Many users have found that entering Steam's Big Picture mode has acted like a soft reset.

Please try using Steam's Big Picture mode, then you can return to the normal client to test the issue.

Best Regards,

您于 2 月 2 日下午 6:12 ­回复的信息 | 3 天前
It didn't seem to work. I just tested it and turned on steam. The memory footprint was 8.55G. Then I switched to the large screen mode. I did not exit the large screen and checked the memory footprint of 8.75G. When I quit the big screen, the memory returned occupied 8.55G. I will explain again that this is a problem with my steam account with thousands of games on macOS, and using an account with only 600 games has only 200MB of memory.

您于 2 月 2 日下午 6:12 ­回复的信息 | 3 天前
It didn't seem to work. I just tested it and turned on steam. The memory footprint was 8.55G. Then I switched to the large screen mode. I did not exit the large screen and checked the memory footprint of 8.75G. When I quit the big screen, the memory returned occupied 8.55G. I will explain again that this is a problem with my steam account with thousands of games on macOS, and using an account with only 600 games has only 200MB of memory.

于 2 月 3 日上午 12:57 来自 Steam 客服的信息 | 2 天前
Thank you for trying that step for us.

Next I recommend trying all of the troubleshooting steps in our Steam Client Troubleshooting article. I know it is a long article but the steps it provides have been known to resolve issues like the one you're currently experiencing with the Steam client.

If the steps in the article don't resolve the problem then we'll need some more information to better understand the issue you're experiencing.
If you are seeing any error messages, please send us screenshots that show the errors clearly.
Providing context about the crash can help us investigate the cause. Did anything change on your system? Is the crashing associated with any recent updates?
Are you able to test the issue on a different machine, or test the issue on the same machine with a different account? Both of these tests are valuable.

Please let me know if I can help clarify anything.

Best Regards,

您于 2 月 3 日下午 1:49 ­回复的信息 | 2 天前
I think I tried everything inside and I tried everything to no avail. And I said, on two computers, MacBook and iMac, and two steam accounts, one account has thousands of games, and the other account is 600 games. The test results are consistent with my previous feedback.

And this result, I'm sure there is only this problem on the latest version of macOS, which was normal on Mac before.

于 2 月 5 日上午 1:51 来自 Steam 客服的信息 | 21 小时前
Hi there,

I've tested this out on a few Macs we have here - I logged in on a master account that has over 30k games and I'm showing just under 200mg of memory usage.

You could try Steam in 'Small Mode' and see if that reduces the memory usage - Windows > Small Mode.

I don't have much in the way of troubleshooting for this - as we haven't been able to reproduce this and we're not seeing anything out of the norm in the logs from your system.

Best Regards,

您于 2 月 5 日下午 12:46 ­回复的信息 | 10 小时前
Alright, I used a newly purchased iMac, booted for the first time, upgraded to the latest version and restarted the computer many times, then downloaded steam directly, and logged in to other accounts with only a few hundred memory. When I logged in to my account, The memory reaches 8G again. I can only think that this may be related to my account.
2020-02-05 23:38:07 +08:00
我觉得苹果的滚动方向才是反人类。。我自己 mbp 我都是调成 Windows 那种
2020-02-06 00:39:26 +08:00
Windows 的逻辑和鼠标一样,是拖动滚动条,所以是往下滑页面往上走。MacOS 的逻辑和手机一样,是拖动页面,所以是向上滑页面往上走。
2020-02-06 00:41:55 +08:00
习惯问题,我就觉得 Mac 的滑动用不惯
2020-02-06 00:47:23 +08:00
以前有个 trackpad++,不知道还能用不
2020-02-06 01:43:29 +08:00
macos 上的 trackpad 上下滚动手势倒是没问题,和 iPhone 的方向是一样的,就是连上鼠标后会影响滚轮滚动方向,用一款小软件 MOS 就可解决。mac 上的 win10 我记得也是改注册表,我重启没出什么问题。
2020-02-06 06:41:07 +08:00
推荐这个,可以让 window 识别 trackpad 为精确触控板,之后按照正常的触控板逻辑设置就行了。原生 bootcamp 驱动太蠢了
2020-02-06 09:14:38 +08:00
windows 的逻辑是和滚动条方向一致,macos 滚动方向和页面内容一致(和手机一致)。
一直怀疑滚动条这东西有存在的必要?有点觉得 windows 反人类。
2020-02-06 10:22:48 +08:00
@Badlion 这就和游戏 y 轴是不是反向一样,和反人类无关,单纯的习惯问题。
2020-02-06 10:47:01 +08:00
@ybw 我猜如果是手机调成方向滑动,不知有没有人可以习惯。哈哈,我还是觉得保持一致好
2020-02-06 10:47:32 +08:00
@ybw 我猜如果是手机调成反方向滑动,不知有没有人可以习惯。哈哈,我还是觉得保持一致好
2020-02-07 18:20:06 +08:00
@yanlx 我怎么设置-设备-触摸板下没有滚动方向设置呢?

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