[北京]找个英语八级以上的 帮忙翻译个 电影任务介绍的东西...

2013-03-29 18:03:34 +08:00
大概有200多行... 请开价...!

例如 这样的

STAN LEE (Executive Producer) is the founder of POW! Entertainment and has served as its chairman and chief creative officer since inception. Known to millions as the man whose super heroes propelled Marvel to its preeminent position in the comic book industry, Stan Lee's co-creations include Spider-Man, The Incredible Hulk, X-Men, The Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Daredevil, Silver Surfer and Dr. Strange.<br><br>
Now the chairman emeritus of Marvel Media, Lee first became publisher of Marvel Comics in 1972. He is recognized as the creative force that brought Marvel to the forefront of the comic publishing industry. In 1977, he introduced Spider-Man as a syndicated newspaper strip that became the most successful of all syndicated adventure strips and now appears in more than 500 newspapers worldwide—making it the longest running of all super hero strips.<br><br>
From June 2001 until the formal creation of POW! in November 2001, Lee worked to form POW! and to create intellectual property for POW! and start the development of various POW! projects.
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2013-03-29 18:36:09 +08:00

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