The Important Attributes to Look for in a DevOps Trainer

2020-02-18 20:53:00 +08:00

For organizations just getting their feet wet in DevOps, finding a talented trainer is a top priority. Without a skilled expert on hand to guide developers and managers through the methodology's various processes and practices, a DevOps initiative can falter even before it gets started.

The problem is that DevOps is still maturing and evolving. As a result, many people claiming to be expert in DevOps training actually lack the specific knowledge, skills, and insights necessary to be successful mentors. To ensure that the person you select to bring current DevOps practices into your organization is up to the job, it's important to select someone who possesses the following key attributes related to experience and soft skills.

Key Attributes


An ideal DevOps trainer has expertise rooted in both operations and development. "You'll want someone who can guide you through the natural hurdles that come from bringing two different perspectives together," said Jai Schniepp, director of product for secure DevOps platforms at Liberty Mutual Insurance.

Soft skills

At the beginning stage of the DevOps journey it's important to find a trainer who can focus on the "soft skills” of the organizational change, advised Alan Zucker, founding principal of Project Management Essentials, a firm offering leadership and communications training services.


The ability to view issues from different perspectives and adapt practices when necessary is a helpful attribute in any DevOps trainer. "Different people value different things and being able to understand this leads to better adoption," Komoroske said.

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