1. https://aria2.github.io/manual/en/html/aria2c.html#cmdoption-j > --max-concurrent-downloads limits the number of items which are downloaded concurrently. --split and --min-split-size affect the number of connections inside each item. 2. 还要这个感觉可以研究下 > -x, --max-connection-per-server=<NUM>
@s82kd92l #6 仔细理解那几个配置了没? 1. 同时下载任务数,比如同时下载 a,b,c 三个文件(批量下载) -j, --max-concurrent-downloads=<N> > Set the maximum number of parallel downloads for every queue item. Default: 5
2. 两个影响每个文件分多少线程下载的参数 -k, --min-split-size=<SIZE> 文件分片大小 Default: 20M -s, --split=<N> > Download a file using N connections. Default: 5
3. -x, --max-connection-per-server=<NUM> > The maximum number of connections to one server for each download. Default: 1
2020-02-19 21:00:54 +08:00
祖传参数: -s16 -x16 -k1M
打熟了根本停不下来,哪怕都写进 rc 了也情不自禁会加上……
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