Taskade is a real-time organization and collaboration tool for remote teams. We just released a big update!

2020-03-04 08:13:52 +08:00

Hi everyone,

John here, co-founder of Taskade. We are a Y-Combinator backed startup based in San Francisco with a distributed team around the world.

We recently released two major updates to Taskade and was reviewed by SSPAI here:


Feel free to give our app a try. Would love to hear any feedback and suggestions.

Our app is available on the Web, iOS, Android, Chrome, Mac and PC: https://www.taskade.com/downloads

Visit Taskade: https://www.taskade.com/

Thanks John Xie

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1 条回复
2020-03-04 08:25:21 +08:00
Hi john,

I use Taskade everyday with the version of chrome plugin.It also supports teamwork.

Thanks for providing such preeminent product and service to individual users for free.

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