[北京-内推-德企] WLB, Senior 级别架构师,流程快

2020-03-11 10:49:42 +08:00
德国电信,是欧洲最大的电信运营商,全球第五大电信运营商,总部在德国波恩。 旗下的 T-Systems 是全球领先的 ICT 解决方案和服务供应商。

[岗位信息-JD ]


[联系邮箱 base64 ]

具体要求可以参考如下几条英文 jd (差不多满足就行)

Role and responsibilities
• Find the “right” IT solution
• Definition of scalable architecture , IT system interfaces integration
• Documentation of IT system infrastructure
• Good analytical skills to understand complex requirements and how to find the “right” IT solution
• Definition of scalable architecture , IT system interfaces integration
• Documentation of IT system infrastructure
• Know-how in Web service, cabled IT system, IBM DataPower
• Know-how about Service Monitoring and System Monitoring, know-how in monitoring tools e.g. HP BSM
• Definition of security assessment
• Sophisticated solutions and module-based setup

Role and responsibilities
• Define and Analyze business process for new requirements;
• Evaluate the business impacts and technical risks for new requirement, build up the bridge between customer and developers and architect.
• Clarify requirements/demands between customer, 3rd party vendor and implementation team;
• Technical
• Define milestones and schedule deadlines;
• Define roles and responsibilities within the implementation team
• flexi
• Support customer in breaking down IT implementation scopes into suitable work packages
• Define milestones and schedule deadlines
• Define roles and responsibilities within the implementation team
• Manage day-to-day operational aspects of projects implementation
• Arrange project-relevant appointments
• Project coordination between customer, 3rd party vendor and implementation team.
• Good understanding of customer requirement and business scenario in the context of telematics.
• Good business process analysis skill in software development and implementation
• Good understanding of telematics market situation in China, familiar with automotive industry in China.
• Basic understanding of IT system interfaces, IT architecture.
• Familiar with online project development methodology.
• Ability to explain complex technical problems to clients and third-parties
• Strong communication skills in both English and Chinese, written & spoken

Role and responsibilities
• Responsible for building up big data solution architecture of Data Fusion in public cloud, which include the data fusion components, security requirement, interface.
• Responsible for building up big data technical framework and toolkit
• Support IT to build up big data technology center
• Technical solution discussion with different stakeholders.
• Proficient in Hortonworks Hadoop platform, and Big data platform and technology landscape based on Cloud, like Huawei, AMS.
• Good analytical skills to understand complex requirements and how to find the “right” IT solution
• Proficient in definition and design of scalable architecture , IT components interfaces and integration.
• UML design and sequence diagram design
• Sophisticated solutions and module-based setup
Personal Skills:
• Senior consultant (10 years+)
• Communication & Presentation Skills
• Teamwork spirit
• Proactive problem & conflict solving skills
• Ability to work in a intercultural team and environment
• Effective analytical and conceptual skills to derive adequate solutions for technical problems
• Strong communication skills in English (spoken and written), Chinese, German advantageous
• Self-motivation and initiative & Flexibility
• Result and Customer oriented
• Telematics experience is as plus
1172 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
1 条回复
2020-03-11 11:34:02 +08:00

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