Introducing the Boost Note Mobile and Goodie Campaign!

2020-03-13 09:58:42 +08:00
ebishi  ebishi

We are very pleased to announce the release of the iOS and Android app for Boost Note.

Many Boost Note users have been trying out the mobile app, and sending us the feedback. We are really glad to hear your voice. Thanks!

It's a really new app so we still have tons of things to be improved. Let us know if you have any feedback!

Goodie campaign

We started a campaign which you can get Boost Note goodies (stickers and a webcam cover). You will receive these rewards for free if you write a review for the App Store or Google Play.

This offer is limited to the first 50 applicants! We're waiting for you to apply!

Please give me some information and send to our company's mail address. We will use the information for only shipping novelties!

We'll do our best to improve the app's quality, so your feedback is very helpful. Let's make Boost Note together!

We'll launch the Boost Note for the team called Boost Hub at this April. Please check it out and receive the invitation!

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1 条回复
2020-03-13 13:31:51 +08:00
I use archlinux now, could you publish an new version BoostNote in archlinux?

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