用 TypeScript 为 Deno 平台做了一个 Tiny Redis

2020-03-22 09:41:47 +08:00


如果你安装了Deno的话,可以用一行命令启动一个 Redis 实例:

deno -A https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qingant/tiny-redis/master/mod.ts -h -p 6666

当然现在只有有限的几个命令,不过我会在后面逐步补充完整。TinyRedis 目前不是为了做一个 product ready 的 Redis 替代品,而是为了学习、展示如何用 TypeScript 和 Deno 做网络编程。你可以用 TinyRedis 来构造你自己的 Redis like 应用,例如,跑在浏览器里的 Redis,或者写一个 Redis Client 。


Client Sample:

// also you can run this by `deno -A https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qingant/tiny-redis/master/samples/cli.ts`

import { encode, RedisValueOf, RedisParser, show } from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qingant/tiny-redis/master/mod.ts';

const main = async () => {
  const opts = {
    port: 6379,
    hostname: ""
  // connect to redis server
  const conn = await Deno.connect(opts);

  // create a redis command and encode it to [Uint8Array]
  const cmdEncoded = encode(RedisValueOf.array([

  // send the command to redis server
  for (let i in cmdEncoded) {
    await conn.write(cmdEncoded[i]);

  // create a parser and get the result
  const p = new RedisParser(conn);
  const req = await p.parse();

await main();

Server Side (if you want to implement something that talks redis protocol , Look at this):

import {RedisArray, RedisValue, RedisClient, RedisValueOf, BaseHandler} from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qingant/tiny-redis/master/mod.ts';

class MyHandler extends BaseHandler {
    commands = {
        'TINY': this.command_TINY
    private async command_TINY(request: RedisArray): Promise<RedisValue> {
        return RedisValueOf.string('REDIS');

const main = async () => {

    const opts = {
      port: 6666,
      hostname: ""
    const listener = Deno.listen(opts);
    const handler = new MyHandler();
    console.log("Tiny Redis 0.0.1");
    console.log(`listening on: ${opts.hostname}:${opts.port}`);
    for await (const conn of listener) {
      (new RedisClient(conn, handler)).loop();


Then you can request your TINY command by:

redis-cli -p 6666 'tiny'

And you will get "REDIS" as response.

It's not that amazing. But if you want your service talk redis protocol so that it can be accessed anywhere with any language, this may be a quick start in TypeScript/Deno world.

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6 条回复
2020-03-22 09:44:35 +08:00
2020-03-22 09:45:23 +08:00
@Cbdy 哈哈,Star 一下吧
2020-03-22 22:19:43 +08:00
其实 githubusercontent.com 这么长一串可以用 denopkg.com 来代替的(自动 301 重定向,还能附带自动重定向根目录到 mod.ts 的功能 https://denopkg.com/qingant/tiny-redis@master
2020-03-22 22:24:15 +08:00
真有勇气,Deno 接口天天变,我魔改一个 https server 每次更新 Deno 都启动不了
2020-03-23 00:17:56 +08:00
@codehz 感谢
2020-03-23 13:17:49 +08:00
@autoxbc 慢慢就好了

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