
2020-03-26 10:33:44 +08:00

This email message is to alert you that your outstanding invoice no. 5a853020e60265f174385f5e due on 2020-03-23 is SUSPENDED. Please be sure that you complete payment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to prevent any TERMINATION of services to HUILEJU.COM.

Do be aware that if no payment is made in the next 4 business days, your data may be purged and deleted.


Disclaimer notice: We can't be held legally liable for any claims, damages or loss that you may incur because of the cancellation of HUILEJU.COM. Any such losses may include but are not exclusively restricted to: monetary losses, delete data without saved backups, reduction in SEO positions, lost customers, undeliverable email and any other service, business or technical damages that you may incur. to learn more please consult section 3. a6 of our Terms of Service.

This is the final renewal notification that we are legally required to communicate about the expiration of HUILEJU.COM certificate.


All web services will be restored automatically on HUILEJU.COM upon verification of payment. We thank you for your attention and continued business.

1451 次点击
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4 条回复
2020-03-26 10:36:53 +08:00
2020-03-26 10:43:26 +08:00
@RedL0tus 好的 谢谢
2020-03-26 10:44:04 +08:00
还有 payment 不是 https 的?
2020-03-26 10:48:26 +08:00

天天发 domain suspension 、domain listing 、seo expire warning 、domian expiration 。。。不厌其烦。

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