
2020-03-27 19:12:27 +08:00
招前端,iOS,安卓,前端,下面是 iOS 的要求仅作参考

程序开发—iOS 方向
iOS developer

Job Responsibilities:

(1) 参与项目需求分析、设计
Participate in projects’ requirement analysis and design.

(2) 独立完成相关业务的核心编码,根据开发计划,保证开发进度和质量
Complete product’s core functionality independently (within planned schedule and required quality level)

(3) 负责完成设计、测试、上线等相关文档的撰写
Responsible for the whole development process ranging from design, test to product distribution, maintenance and documentation (you might not have to but you should be able to do those tasks)

(4) 及时响应并处理线上问题,保障业务的的稳定运行
Fix bugs & defects timely.

Job Requirements:

(1) 全日制重点大学本科及以上学历,计算机类、电子信息类等相关专业,有相应学历、学位证书并通过大学英语四级或六级考试
Full-time Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related area, with CET4, CET6 or equivalent English certificate.

(2) 精通 iOS 平台开发技术,熟练掌握 Objective-C 编程语言,具有扎实的 C/C++开发基础,熟悉 iOS 系统原理、移动终端特性及解决方案
Extremely familiar with iOS development, including Object-C language, C/C++ fundamentals, and how iOS system works.

(3) 具有大型商业银行或其他金融机构信息技术相关工作经验; 熟悉手机银行等相关业务流程、信息系统和技术架构者优先考虑
Experience of development process in large scale commercial bank or mobile banking is a plus.

(4) 具有较强的学习能力、沟通能力、问题解决能力、良好的团队合作精神和一定的抗压能力
Capable of fast learning and intensive problem-solving, good teamwork skills, be able to work under pressure.

(5) 年龄在 30 周岁以下会有较大的加分
Under age 30 is a plus.
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21 条回复
2020-04-26 20:08:39 +08:00

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