希望多学一门技能,所以最近一直在学习 python,在看《 Python Crash Course 》,其中作者在最开头提到的
“ There is real satisfaction in building something with a purpose, something that solves a problem. ”
今天我算是体会到了,起因是看到一个人在朋友圈晒保险(年年拿钱的那种,可以拿到 105 岁[我惊呆了]),
于是萌生用 python 来看要是买 10w 到底最后能拿到多少钱,
# Define your initial saving amount
saving_amount = 100000
# Define the saving rate of your bank
saving_rate = 0.04
# Assign an initial value 0 for the following loop
year = 0
# Assign a default True value for the following loop
flag = True
while flag:
# Start a loop before a False value is associated to flag
if year < 100:
saving_amount = saving_amount*(1+saving_rate)
year += 1
flag = True
print(f"You have {saving_amount} in your account.")
flag = False
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