Looking for Frontend Developer in Beijing - Fanformed.com

2013-04-22 13:33:13 +08:00
bearice  bearice
Position: front end developer
Location: Beijing

Company (About Us):
- www.fanformed.com
- Presented at Launch Festival: bit.ly/104wqga
- International market: an English language website

- Fun, entrepreneurial startup culture ...run by experienced entrepreneurs
- 50% Chinese, 50% international
- Sanlitun Area

What We Do:
- Social media platform for crowd creation of new/innovation products
- Focused on Photography and Cycling categories (to start)
- Design matters (...think Monocle, Fab, Pinterest)

The Opportunity:
- We're developing the site using Backbone, Nodejs and MongoDB
- Jquery / backbone.js / require.js / amplify.js for the frontend, and of course CoffeeScript
- You will work in a small team with UX/UI person and talented back-end developer
- We offer flexible hours / Opportunity to learn entrepreneurship & work in fun team
- For talented, committed people we will also consider offering equity (options)

About You (Requirements):
- You should have a core skill with Javascript and building strong interactions
- Extraordinary HTML/CSS skills.
- Solid experience with JQuery and Backbone.js
- Good understanding of HTTP, knowing how and why it works
- Strong English reading/writing skills required
- Familiar with git system, experiences in contributing to open-source projects is a plus
- Experience with Python/Ruby is a plus
- Willing to share ideas and feedback, and open to peer challenges
- Excellent learning capability in terms of keeping up with technology

If you're interested you can contact me directly at: chris@fanformed.com
3708 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
2 条回复
2013-05-03 14:12:22 +08:00
This position is still available, resumes are welcomed.
BTW, SOHO worker is supported too, you dont need to check-in the office everyday.
2013-05-06 23:28:57 +08:00


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