
2013-05-03 11:57:04 +08:00
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 40.7537 s, 2.6 MB/s
3323 次点击
所在节点    云计算
8 条回复
2013-05-03 12:02:43 +08:00

dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 0.221937 s, 472 MB/s
2013-05-03 12:36:36 +08:00
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 0.436161 s, 240 MB/s
2013-05-03 12:49:36 +08:00
他这个是没有限制的 时好时慢 最怕折腾帝
2013-05-03 12:57:43 +08:00
root@hk:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 0.438553 s, 239 MB/s
root@hk:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 1.45601 s, 72.0 MB/s
root@hk:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 0.28446 s, 369 MB/s
root@hk:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 0.25484 s, 411 MB/s
root@hk:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 0.265704 s, 395 MB/s
2013-05-10 23:40:05 +08:00
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
2013-05-10 23:40:17 +08:00
➜ ~ dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 0.615846 s, 170 MB/s
2013-05-11 00:29:13 +08:00
其实用 SAN 的没见过性能好到哪去的
2013-05-11 00:43:35 +08:00
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.bin bs=1M count=100 conv=fdatasync
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
104857600 bytes (105 MB) copied, 11.7144 seconds, 9.0 MB/s

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