void LeftPanelWidget::SearchDateOfDay(const QString &id, const QDate date) { QTime time = QTime(0, 0, 0); QDateTime datetime = QDateTime(date, time); int timestamp = datetime.toTime_t();
QString channelId = id;
emit sglQueryTimeline(channelId, timestamp);
qDebug() << "hahahaha ";
connect(this, &LeftPanelWidget::sglQueryTimeline, [this](QString &id, int ts)
qDebug() << "query timeline " << id << " " << ts;
如上面代码所示,我通过一个控件调用 SearchDateOfDay,单步跟下来确认每次都会 emit,但是槽只在第一次执行了,后面再也不能触发,请哪位大神指点一下问题可能出在哪里?
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