Bananana “装什么”这种回复,请问你觉得合适吗?我对你的回复没有这种情绪化吧,你把情绪发泄到我的至少还算有意义的回复上,合适吗?
这一段仅仅是关于 Widgets 的,完整的在这里:
https://developer.apple.com/documentation/ios-ipados-release-notes/ios-ipados-14-beta-release-notes/Known Issues
The Quick Actions menu might unexpectedly appear behind the widget overlay. (64456466)
Workaround: Restart your device.
Some widgets might disappear from your Home Screen after updating to iOS & iPadOS 14 beta 2 or later. (64823469)
Workaround: Add the missing widgets back to your Home Screen.
Fonts size currently doesn’t adjust automatically for different device sizes. (60348216)
Widgets aren’t blocked for Screen Time when their parent app is blocked. (60747373)
WidgetKit extensions can continue to access location services for up to 15 minutes after being viewed if their app has been granted While Using the App location access. (62888317)
You can’t resize an existing widget. (63500799)
Workaround: Remove the widget and re-add it at the desired size.
The conditions displayed in the Weather widget might not match the conditions displayed in the Weather app. (64948860)
Entries provided by placeholder(with:) don’t have a redacted modifier applied automatically. (65040472)
Workaround: Manually apply a .redacted(reason:) modifier to views for placeholder entries.
When indicating a significant change in temperature for the next day, the Weather widget might display temperatures in Celsius instead of Fahrenheit. (65061840)
You might need to reconfigure your widgets after updating to iOS & iPadOS 14 Beta 3. (65485709)
64823469 、62888317 、63500799 、64948860 符合你以及上面还有遇到不更新、显示问题等的
你这里如果指的是天气 widget 的话,应该是符合 64948860