dataframe 数据怎么能把索引问题

2020-07-31 14:18:56 +08:00
ts_code trade_date open high low close pre_close change pct_chg vol amount
0 600585.SH 20200729 59.60 60.80 59.05 60.68 59.90 0.78 1.3022 319148.23 1923818.350
1 600585.SH 20200728 60.18 60.95 59.45 59.90 59.76 0.14 0.2343 284117.71 1711289.743
2 600585.SH 20200727 59.62 60.90 59.14 59.76 58.85 0.91 1.5463 362054.35 2171456.775
3 600585.SH 20200724 60.46 60.94 58.20 58.85 61.05 -2.20 -3.6036 443699.05 2636469.588
4 600585.SH 20200723 60.08 61.50 59.11 61.05 60.97 0.08 0.1312 437532.84 2641867.877
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
133 600585.SH 20200108 53.00 53.38 52.60 52.69 53.48 -0.79 -1.4772 232324.76 1228341.855
134 600585.SH 20200107 53.12 54.13 53.12 53.48 53.32 0.16 0.3001 234783.33 1256641.148
135 600585.SH 20200106 54.01 54.54 53.05 53.32 54.68 -1.36 -2.4872 343560.81 1845565.954
136 600585.SH 20200103 56.00 56.10 54.44 54.68 55.80 -1.12 -2.0072 288642.12 1585798.292
137 600585.SH 20200102 55.30 57.75 55.03 55.80 54.80 1.00 1.8248 411235.67 2306726.977

设置 df.sort_index(ascending = True) 或 false
索引 0 都是指向 20200729 这行数据
怎么能把 0 指向 20200102 这行数据呢?
1673 次点击
所在节点    Python
4 条回复
2020-07-31 14:25:00 +08:00
先按照 trade_date 排序,然后 reset_index 就好了,参考:
df = df.sort_values(by='trade_date')
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
2020-07-31 14:26:24 +08:00
@capallen 感谢!
2020-07-31 14:46:40 +08:00
@capallen 你好 再问个问题
df 数据的顺序对了

close = df['close']
date = df['trade_date']

之后再 print 怎么又回到降序了呢?

df 重新排序后:
ts_code trade_date open high low close pre_close change pct_chg vol amount
0 600585.SH 20200102 55.30 57.75 55.03 55.80 54.80 1.00 1.8248 411235.67 2306726.977
1 600585.SH 20200103 56.00 56.10 54.44 54.68 55.80 -1.12 -2.0072 288642.12 1585798.292
2 600585.SH 20200106 54.01 54.54 53.05 53.32 54.68 -1.36 -2.4872 343560.81 1845565.954
3 600585.SH 20200107 53.12 54.13 53.12 53.48 53.32 0.16 0.3001 234783.33 1256641.148
4 600585.SH 20200108 53.00 53.38 52.60 52.69 53.48 -0.79 -1.4772 232324.76 1228341.855
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
133 600585.SH 20200723 60.08 61.50 59.11 61.05 60.97 0.08 0.1312 437532.84 2641867.877
134 600585.SH 20200724 60.46 60.94 58.20 58.85 61.05 -2.20 -3.6036 443699.05 2636469.588
135 600585.SH 20200727 59.62 60.90 59.14 59.76 58.85 0.91 1.5463 362054.35 2171456.775
136 600585.SH 20200728 60.18 60.95 59.45 59.90 59.76 0.14 0.2343 284117.71 1711289.743
137 600585.SH 20200729 59.60 60.80 59.05 60.68 59.90 0.78 1.3022 319148.23 1923818.350

close = df['close']
0 60.68
1 59.90
2 59.76
3 58.85
4 61.05
133 52.69
134 53.48
135 53.32
136 54.68
137 55.80
2020-07-31 15:20:16 +08:00
@capallen 忽略吧~ 我弄错了 不好意思

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