老 Flickr Pro 用户还是可以按原价续费的

2013-05-21 14:08:51 +08:00
看这里: http://www.flickr.com/help/limits/#150487675

『 I’ve heard that Flickr Pro is no longer being offered. How does that affect me?

Starting on 5/20/2013, we will no longer be offering new Flickr Pro subscriptions. After that point, the following things will happen:

- Recurring Pro users currently have the ability to renew.

- Eligible Pro members have the option to switch to a Free account until 8/20/2013.

- The “Gift of Pro” will no longer be available for purchase.

- Pro users will no longer appear with a “Pro” badge beside their name or buddy icon. 』
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2 条回复
2013-05-21 17:14:36 +08:00
2013-05-21 20:32:38 +08:00

pro用户表示 购买gift页面已经被重定向到了 upgrade 1
T/2T 页面。

更改订阅信息页面,假若选择继续订阅1年24.95USD/2年44.95USD,会跳回 账户页,报个错「抱歉,出了点问题。请再试一次。」

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