
2013-05-22 00:33:45 +08:00
$4,500,000 USD was the list price.

What can you pay?

On Wed, 22 May 2013, manoon wrote:

> Yes :-)
> Thanks a lot for you reply.
> so Will u transfer it to me? and how much i should pay you?(i'm poor student)
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3 条回复
2013-05-22 08:19:27 +08:00
$4,500,000 USD 几乎可以买到地球上任意的域名。 :)

2013-05-22 23:43:12 +08:00
2013-05-28 16:31:46 +08:00

I came across your email while communicating with other people.

I think you can achieve what you want if you are able to help me achieve
what I need.

I'm trying to improve relations with my health, by adding more spiritual
connections between me and my inner mind. The third eye is my pineal
gland that I cam trying to master mediation.

If you are able to meditate daily, you will re-open the pineal gland,
which is your third eye.

This will provide you with powers that can see into the future, detect if
someone is lying to you, etc.

Deep in the mind.


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