7.2 在不透露单个用户隐私资料的前提下,115公司有权对整个用户数据库进行技术分析并对已进行分析、整理后的用户数据进行商业上的利用。尽管115公司对用户的隐私权保护做了极大的努力,但是仍然不能保证现有的安全技术措施使用户的技术信息等不受任何形式的损失。
5.2 在不透露单个用户隐私资料的前提下,迅雷有权对整个用户数据库进行技术分析并对已进行分析、整理后的用户数据库进行商业上的利用。尽管迅雷对用户的隐私权保护做了极大的努力,但是仍然不能保证现有的安全技术措施使用户的技术信息等不受任何形式的损失。
4. 在不透露您隐私资料的前提下,金山有权对整个用户数据库进行分析并对用户数据库进行商业上的利用(包括但不限于公布、分析或以其它方式使用用户访问量、访问时段、用户偏好等用户数据信息)。
https://www.dropbox.com/termsBy using our Services you provide us with information, files, and folders that you submit to Dropbox (together, “your stuff”). You retain full ownership to your stuff. We don’t claim any ownership to any of it. These Terms do not grant us any rights to your stuff or intellectual property except for the limited rights that are needed to run the Services, as explained below. (你的东西仍然是你的)
We may need your permission to do things you ask us to do with your stuff, for example, hosting your files, or sharing them at your direction. This includes product features visible to you, for example, image thumbnails or document previews. It also includes design choices we make to technically administer our Services, for example, how we redundantly backup data to keep it safe. You give us the permissions we need to do those things solely to provide the Services. This permission also extends to trusted third parties we work with to provide the Services, for example Amazon, which provides our storage space (again, only to provide the Services). (我们需要获得你的许可来处理你的文件,比如存储或者在你的要求下分 享它们。这包括你可见的部分(比如图像缩略图、文档预览),也包括我们选则的提供服务的技术手段(比如 我们怎么备份)。这个授权仅仅是我们这一项服务可用(dropbox的云存储),并可能扩展至提供服务的第三方(比如提供硬件存储空间的Amazon)。 但是,仅仅适用于这个服务本身,并且第三方必须是经过你授权的第三方)
也就是说,就算是dropbox将来成了网络上最大的唱片公司,只要你没同意那些稀奇古怪的新协议,就这份 协议来看,你存储在dropbox的你的原创歌曲他们是不能直接拿去用的。
2、 skyDrive
http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-live/microsoft-service-agreement?SignedIn=15. Your content
Except for material that we license to you, we don't claim ownership of the content you provide on the service. Your content remains your content. We also don't control, verify, or endorse the content that you and others make available on the service.(你的东西还是你的)
You control who may access your content.If you share content in public areas ,( ) in shared areas available to others you've chosen,then you agree that anyone you've shared content with may use that content. When you give others access to your content on the service, you grant them free, nonexclusive permission to use, reproduce, distribute, display, transmit, and communicate to the public the content solely in connection with the service and other products and services made available by Microsoft. If you don't want others to have those rights, don't use the service to share your content. (你控制谁能访问你的文件。如果你向公众分享你的文件,你同意任何人可以看到它并任意使用它。如果你不希望这样,请不要分享你的文件。注:这里就是说把你的 文件放到一个叫public的文件夹)
You understand that Microsoft may need, and you hereby grant Microsoft the right, to use, modify, adapt, reproduce, distribute, and display content posted on the service solely to the extent necessary to provide the service.(你理解并授权我们对你文件可能的使用、修改、调整、复制、分发、展示内容、在这个服务上发布的权利,但这能且只能用于这个服务本身)
http://www.Google.com/policies/terms/Your Content in our Services
Some of our Services allow you to submit content. You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content. In short, what belongs to you stays yours. (你的知识版权在你上传后还是你的,这个是最基本的)
When you upload or otherwise submit content to our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting, and improving our Services, and to develop new ones. This license continues even if you stop using our Services (for example, for a business listing you have added to Google Maps). Some Services may offer you ways to access and remove content that has been provided to that Service. Also, in some of our Services, there are terms or settings that narrow the scope of our use of the content submitted in those Services. Make sure you have the necessary rights to grant us this license for any content that you submit to our Services. (一但你上传了,你给了Google(及相关人员)全球范围的许可,可以使用,集合,存储,复制,修改,衍生(比如翻译,改编及其它我们认为需要的使你的 内容更合乎我们服务的修改),交流,公开,公开传播,公开展示与分发的些内容的权利。你授予的这些权利允许我们将其用于且仅用于操作、优化和提升我们的服 务,以及开发新的服务。这项权利在你停止使用我们的服务后仍然持续。有的服务允许你访问和删除你上传的内容。有的服务允许你限制我们对你上传内容的使用。 你确实你给予了我们适当的许可)
V2EX 是创意工作者们的社区,是一个分享自己正在做的有趣事物、交流想法,可以遇见新朋友甚至新机会的地方。
V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.