Cuniq UK 是要关了么

2020-09-03 13:48:29 +08:00
后来一直用着 10 欧 1GB 的流量

>CUniq UK Closure Notice
>Dear CUniq UK Customers,
>As part of China Unicom (Europe) Operation Limited (CUE)’s mobile business strategic transformation, we are sorry to inform you that CUniq UK mobile service will be terminated at 23:59 31 October 2020. Please be assured that CUniq UK will be operating as usual till the end of 31 October 2020. We wish to thank you for your support in the past years.
>CUniq UK is part of many product and services offered by CUE. CUniq UK termination only applies to CUE’s UK mobile virtual network. Please be assured that CUE’s other mobile business, carrier business and enterprise solution services are operating as usual.
>Please see below the detailed information relating to CUniq UK closure.
>From 30 September 2020, we will cease the following service functions on the CUniq UK website ( or through any other means:
>>purchase CUniq UK SIM cards;
>>purchase CUniq UK Local Plans; or
>>purchase top-up credit for CUniq UK mobile service
>You are free to leave the CUniq UK mobile service at any time in accordance with the CUniq UK terms and conditions. However, you will only be entitled to a refund of any unused top-up credit if you are on the service after 1 October 2020. The refund claim period will end on 30 November 2020. Please log in to your CUniq UK online account and follow “credit refund” claim procedure. For more information about how to make the top-up credit refund claim, please refer to FAQs page at .
>If you want to change to a different service provider and keep your CUniq UK mobile number, please contact our customer service for a port authorisation code (PAC) and use your PAC before 31 October 2020. After 31 October 2020, all CUniq UK mobile numbers on our network will be terminated. We therefore will not be able to assist you in generating a PAC to enable you to transfer your number to other service providers.
>If you are using our “2 Numbers 1 SIM” add-on service, we will offer a “New Pay as You Go Product”(New Product) to help keep your Hong Kong mobile number or China Mainland mobile number. The New Product will be available online from 1 October 2020 to 31 October 2020 on CUniq UK website. Please note that you will lose your Hong Kong/China Mainland mobile number if you port out CUniq UK mobile number to other service providers before purchasing the New Product or after CUniq UK mobile services are terminated on 31 October 2020.
>For other mobile business, we will focus on providing sponsored roaming solution, A2P message solution and various new travel SIMs and eSIM products in the UK as well as in other Europe regions. If you have any enquiries, please call us at +44(0)333068068 or send us an email at
>Yours sincerely
>CUniq UK Team
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5 条回复
2020-09-03 15:51:08 +08:00
MNP 去其他运营商吧
2020-09-03 17:14:18 +08:00
用 cmlink 吧…但愿不会停😩
2020-09-03 17:29:48 +08:00
移动用 ee 的信号还比联通便宜,现在联通的境外卡都还涨价,看不懂什么操作,还嫌客户走的不够多吗?
2020-09-05 14:40:06 +08:00
看样子应该是之前 uk 是欧洲公司提供服务
脱欧了 uk 相关业务切分失败只能关
2020-09-11 11:19:17 +08:00

换 cmlink 吧

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