云队友是 PMCAFF 旗下的远程工作人才雇佣网站,专注于帮助有远程工作,兼职工作人才雇佣需求的企业寻找远程工作人才。为自由职业者等远程工作人才提供技术开发、设计、运营等远程工作机会。雇佣远程工作人才就上云队友远程工作平台,一分钟发布职位,一小时匹配人才,平均 6 小时上岗。
远程职位 -- JAVA
- Write high-quality,clean,elegant,maintainable &testable code.Less is more
- Build product requirements based on requirements, while refactoring out common libraries for a longterm codebase
- Improving stability&user experience
- Significant professional experience with Javascript&NodeJS
- Familiar with modern Javascript front end framework(React,Vue,Angular)
- Strong knowledge of data modelling,databases &caching(RDBMS,NoSQL,Redis)
- Strong technical discipline &habits to produce clean code(TDD,Refactoring)
- Familiar with software release management &deployment(Git,CI/CD)
- Strong knowledge of software design best practices(12-factor apps,Gang of 4 algorithms)
- Understand data structures
- Comfortable operating in a Linux environment
- Familiar with IaaS platforms(AWS,GCP)
- Familiar with performance tuning of web servers,concurrency handling,caching mechanisms in NodeJS
- Understand of WebSocket &search(ElasticSearch)
- Familiar with Typescript is Huge plus,Webpack is a plus
价格预期:20000 元 /月
投递地址: https://www.nework360.com/job/detail/202008271208016598105887?utm_source=v2ex
远程职位 -- IOS
- Defining the scope through the launch of a project with the team
- Working cross-functionally with design and technology teams to ensure timely and quality release of product/enhancements
- Build reusable code and libraries for future use
- Maintain updated knowledge of new and emerging industry trends and technology
- At least 4 years’ work experience
- Write high quality code which is modular, functional, testable and reusable
- Strong knowledge of Swift, different versions of iOS, and how to deal with different screen sizes
- Having experience with typical iOS programming libraries, like RxSwift, Moya, PromiseKit, Kingfisher, Swinject
- Has deep knowledge in OOP and design pattern
- Solid understanding of the full mobile development life cycle
- Interested to work in a startup environment and comfortable with rapid iteration of products
- Have a deep interest in the healthcare industry.
价格预期:20000 元 /月
投递地址: https://www.nework360.com/job/detail/202008241738254376312609?utm_source=v2ex