你们都是怎么知道的键盘快要没电了的?据官方称,电量低于 15% 充电口附近的 indicator light 会闪烁……
但我白天可能看不到啊 即使是晚上房间灯光比较弱的情况下 上次我把键盘用的完全没电了 才知道充电。 这个灯在侧面 我也可能看不到 我觉得这个设计太不实用 太不好用了…… 弄成 右上角灯效切换键闪烁也行呀
提供一些信息: The Keychron K2 includes a low battery indicator light next to the charging port. The light will flash rapidly when the battery level is below 15%, and stay solid while charging. This is fine, but I wish there was a more elaborate battery indicator that provided you with a better idea of current battery life, even at higher levels.
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