大佬们怎么用正则定位到 这样的内容 XXXXXX : 8

2020-09-23 11:16:46 +08:00
processor : 0
BogoMIPS : 38.40
Features : fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32
CPU implementer : 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant : 0x2
CPU part : 0x201
CPU revision : 1

processor : 1
BogoMIPS : 38.40
Features : fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32
CPU implementer : 0x51
CPU architecture: 8
CPU variant : 0x2
CPU part : 0x201
CPU revision : 1


re.findall(r'processor[\s\w\d]{1}', a)
结果是['processor\t', 'processor\t', 'processor\t', 'processor\t']
并定位不到 完整的内容
2128 次点击
所在节点    Python
9 条回复
2020-09-23 11:22:26 +08:00
定啥定啊,直接按连续 2 个换行符分割不就行了吗?
2020-09-23 11:23:29 +08:00
@forty 很有道理
2020-09-23 11:31:02 +08:00

// example
const str = `processor : 0 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 CPU implementer : 0x51 CPU architecture: 8 CPU variant : 0x2 CPU part : 0x201 CPU revision : 1

processor : 1 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 CPU implementer : 0x51 CPU architecture: 8 CPU variant : 0x2 CPU part : 0x201 CPU revision : 1

processor : 2 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 CPU implementer : 0x51 CPU architecture: 8 CPU variant : 0x2 CPU part : 0x205 CPU revision : 1

processor : 3 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asimd evtstrm aes pmull sha1 sha2 crc32 CPU implementer : 0x51 CPU architecture: 8 CPU variant : 0x2 CPU part : 0x205 CPU revision : 1`
// output
["↵processor : 1 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asim… crc32 CPU implementer : 0x51 CPU architecture: 8", "↵processor : 2 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asim… crc32 CPU implementer : 0x51 CPU architecture: 8", "↵processor : 3 BogoMIPS : 38.40 Features : fp asim… crc32 CPU implementer : 0x51 CPU architecture: 8"]
2020-09-23 11:31:04 +08:00
import re
tarString = "CPU architecture: 8"
getStr = re.sub('(?<=:).*?(?=$")', 'utf-8', tarString)

# 方法 2,必定是数字的话
getStr = re.findall(r"\d+",tarString)
2020-09-23 11:32:46 +08:00
@forty 因为每次,内容不同,所以需要定位 processor 这个关键词查看后面内容,但是又因为 processor 后面又很多空格定位不到
2020-09-23 11:33:53 +08:00
2020-09-23 11:36:06 +08:00
@umissthestars 别不好意思 因为呈现出来的格式打乱了 改了一下
2020-09-23 16:39:31 +08:00
2020-09-29 10:50:40 +08:00
string = "processor:****"
base_string_split = [{i.split(":")[0].strip(): i.split(":")[1].strip() for i in temp.strip("\n").split("\n")} for temp in string.split("\n\n")]
for string_temp in base_string_split:
processor = string_temp.get(processor)


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