[上海/北京] 硅谷 pre-IPO 独角兽 Smartnews[机器学习][后端 AI][基础架构]

2020-09-30 12:26:50 +08:00
10-7-5,六险二金,北京中关村,上海静安区,公司计划在 2022-2023 年上市
SmartNews 是一款全球顶尖的新闻聚合应用,下载量在日本和美国应用市场名列前茅。我们每天分析着数百万的报道,将最热门的高质信息实时传递给到全球海量用户。

SmartNews 是一家人工智能驱动的互联网技术公司,为了适应快速增长的用户量和支持丰富的业务功能,我们在 19 年开始搭建中国区研发中心,目前我们的研发中心分别位于北京和上海,并分布着以下团队:


Ads Ranking, Data Platform, Infrastructure


AI Foundation, AI Infrastructure

Infrastructure 团队为 SmartNews 全球的业务搭建并维护高扩展的基础架构平台,为全球海量用户提供可靠,高效和高性能的服务。

Ads Ranking 团队负责 SmartNews 所有变现业务:品牌、效果、联盟。每日近十亿曝光,部门决定着公司的估值,有着举足轻重的地位。团队跟进业界广告技术发展,推进广告算法技术的演进与创新。

AI Foundation 依托于 SmartNews 的海量数据,专注于研究及开发服务于 SmartNews 内容的创新技术,并将其应用于实际业务场景中,也将对 AI 领域开放性问题进行研究,帮助公司实现对未来发展的构想与远景。

AI Infrastructure 团队作为机器学习的架构师,基于各种最新的技术和实践,将各项业务与机器学习进行衔接与应用,建立领先的机器学习平台赋能 SmartNews 各项业务快速发展。
3104 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
11 条回复
2020-09-30 12:52:43 +08:00
2020-09-30 20:43:04 +08:00
可以给个详细 JD 吗
2020-10-02 13:36:08 +08:00

Set technical and research directions for one of more of major areas of AI Foundation and able to lead its implementation
Able to solve hardest issues of expertise areas ranging from fundamental algorithm development, implementation and optimization to deliver product metrics
Lead cross-functional projects to improve features/models that benefit company OKR
In this position, you are expected to have deep domain expertise on one or more of following R&D areas to provide cutting edge solutions or core technologies for SmartNews recommendation systems (Ads, News, etc)
General Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Natural Language Processing (entity recognition, categorization, text embedding, etc)
Recommendation, Collaborative Filtering Algorithms

Minimum Qualifications

3+ years of experience in designing and implementing machine learning algorithms, and applying them to real world problems
Solid Machine Learning background and deep understanding of certain domain of machine learning techniques, especially in natural language processing, recommendation systems,
Experienced to deliver improvement of features/models to production systems with support of cross-functional teams
Ability to optimize/debug hardest feature/model problems of the team
Have good record of publication in his/her domain of expertise
Good written and spoken communication skills, can work across functional teams
Strong coding abilities in multiple programming languages (e.g. Java, C++, Python, Scala)
MS in computer science, mathematics, physics or other quantitative fields

Preferred Qualifications

Ph.D Degree in computer science, mathematics, physics or other quantitative fields
Strong interest in news media and our mission
2020-10-02 13:38:23 +08:00
本科 5 年 /硕士 3 年以上都可以
2020-10-02 14:49:26 +08:00
jd 看起来不错。我上周才把你们的 app 给删了……
2020-10-02 16:31:00 +08:00
@sonicjam 为啥删了呀
2020-10-14 19:34:51 +08:00
为什么做 ml 的美国没有都放在中国了
2020-10-18 18:44:07 +08:00
2020-10-18 23:15:44 +08:00
@wanjun 没有
2020-11-21 04:27:39 +08:00
请问 ms 工作 3 年能申请 Machine Learning Scientist 吗?我看官网写需要 6+ years of experience 。是这个岗位: https://apply.workable.com/smartnews/j/2E594013FB/
2021-05-21 13:59:35 +08:00
对标 Facebook 的上海外企 Smartnews 大数据开发,搜广推算法,广告引擎开发
jd 比较 general,我就不贴了
需要 5 年以上工作经验的,4 年的也可以试试看
想看对标阿里 p7,腾讯 9 级,字节 2-2 的,比这个 level 低的可以加我微信保持联系,后续会有 hc
微信是 gg335610178

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