用开源项目申请了一个 IDEA license, 搞开源还是有点好处的

2020-10-11 14:42:33 +08:00

Dear changqing,

We’re writing to let you know that we have approved your request for free JetBrains Open Source license(s). You can find the license certificate attached to this message.

Your free subscription(s) will be valid for one year. You will receive an automatic email reminder shortly before the licenses expire. If your project still meets our Support Program's requirements at that time, feel free to apply for a renewal.

Please note that JetBrains OS licenses can be used only for development of your non-commercial open source project. Please do not use them for any commercial purposes. If you’ve received more than one license, please share them only with active contributors to your project.

To proceed with your free order, please click the link below: Take me to my license(s)

We hope that JetBrains software will be useful for your project! If you feel that our tools have helped you a great deal, we would be grateful if you could mention JetBrains' support on your project's homepage. You could do this by placing our Logo and a link to JetBrains such as https://www.jetbrains.com/?from=ABC (make sure to replace ‘ABC’ with the name of your OS project, no spaces). Thanks in advance!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach us at opensource@jetbrains.com. We’ll be glad to help.

Kind regards,

JetBrains Community Support Team https://www.jetbrains.com The Drive to Develop

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7 条回复
2020-10-11 15:23:19 +08:00
需要主意,这个 licence 不能用于公司软件开发。真较真的话,大公司也不允许用的😂。
2020-10-11 15:30:20 +08:00
这个没有什么太多好炫耀的,这个不适在公司项目中使用, 甚至不适宜在你申请许可的项目之外的项目使用。

当然, 这是对你项目的肯定, 鼓励你继续开发你的开源项目。
2020-10-11 17:51:08 +08:00
2020-10-11 20:26:26 +08:00
2020-10-11 22:23:15 +08:00
@gotounix 全家桶
2020-10-12 00:27:03 +08:00
“Please note that JetBrains OS licenses can be used only for development of your non-commercial open source project. Please do not use them for any commercial purposes.”
2020-10-12 01:30:04 +08:00
@gotounix 全家桶,toolbox

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