2013-06-08 17:57:34 +08:00
1. A target's phone call, e-mail or chat will take the cheapest path, not the physically most direct path -- you can't always predict the path. 就是说NSA搞了路由管控。
2. Your target's communications could easily be flowing into and through the U.S. 就是说NSA可以把国外的流量路由到美国内处理。
3. Date When PRISM Collection Began For Each Provider 并没有肯定说是公司自愿加入的。为什么是多年逐渐加入的?
4. PRISM Program Cost: ~$20M per year对比Utah数据中心的运维成本$40M/yr,一次性建设成本$2B。相对还是不太多的。