VS 构建工具

2020-11-05 12:38:48 +08:00

不安装 visual studio 。只安装 VS 构建工具,可以免费使用吗?在公司使用会不会涉及商业许可。

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2 条回复
2020-11-05 17:28:54 +08:00
不会,不过还是建议 MINGW64

refer to: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/0daefd5d-8d5a-499c-bd16-c3e7aba68c4d/is-msbuild-free-for-commercial-use?forum=msbuild

>>>Do we need to have VS license to use MSBuild?

You do not need to have VS license to use MSBuild. In the Visual Studio 2012 and before, msbuild.exe comes with .NET SDK, but just with the Framework. You can grab it by .NET SDK. Starting with Visual Studio 2013, the 2013 version of MSBuild will ship as a part of Visual Studio instead of the .NET Framework. But fortunately you can still download it separately as part of the Microsoft Build Tools 2013. So you can use it without install VS, of course, you do not need to have VS license.

If you just use this build tool without using VS-related stuff, do not need a VS license. If you use something about VS(etc. dll), you need a VS license
2020-11-05 18:38:09 +08:00
@kalluwa 多谢,至少有个说法了。不是不愿意用 MINGW,是因为我要用一些 boost 库,而能找得到的一些参考资料都是用 MSVC 编译的。主要不能用 VS,寻思着能不能用 VS code+构建工具,既然构建工具也危险,干脆就不用了。PS:我是测试,不是开发,暂时先放弃一些吧

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