The Science Hall of Fame

2011-01-14 19:09:23 +08:00

根据发表在最新一期《科学》杂志上的报告,研究人员利用Google Books中的数据,量化分析1800年至2000年之间出版的电子书所包含的5千亿单词变化,制作出一个科学家名人堂。以达尔文作标杆,使用了名叫milli-Darwin(mD)单位,它代表Charles Darwin一词从1839年(Darwin名字最早为图书记录的时间)到2000年出现在英文图书中的年平均频率的千分之一, 如Ray Lankester是175 mD,而Balfour Stewart为124 mD。分析发现,比达尔文更有名的科学家是伯特兰·罗素,他的得分是1500mD,达尔文之后是爱因斯坦(878)、《爱丽丝漫游仙境》作者刘易斯·卡洛尔(479),克洛德·贝尔纳(429),奥利弗·罗基,朱利安·赫胥黎,卡・皮尔森,尼尔・波尔,亚历山大・贝尔,马克斯・普朗克,弗兰西斯·高尔顿,等等。

Created and curated by Adrian Veres and John Bohannon

Welcome to the Science Hall of Fame, a pantheon of the most famous scientists of the past 200 years. This interactive database uses an objective and literal measure of fame: the frequency with which the full names of scientists appear in books published between 1800 and 2000. This is an example of "culturomics" (see the Research Article by Michel et al. in the 14 January 2011 issue).

Look up scientists by name -- or sort the data by column -- to see their impact in milliDarwins (mD): one-thousandth of the average annual frequency that Charles Darwin's name appears in English-language books from the year he was 30 years old (1839) until 2000. Click the mD value to see a chart of their data over time.

This first version of the Science Hall of Fame is a rough draft. There are classification errors, and many famous scientists are excluded at this point for technical reasons. Please read the article introducing The Science Hall of Fame. To explore the data further and hear interviews with famous scientists, visit the supporting site. You may also share your thoughts about this new view of scientists' impact across society and history.
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2011-01-14 19:12:43 +08:00

2011-01-14 22:03:19 +08:00

之前还看到用 Google Books 来研究 long s 的使用频率变化。

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