可以自动签到,自动完成领京豆任务的教程,但我在 win10 下怎么都安装不成功
教程地址: https://github.com/chinnkarahoi/jd-scripts-docker
遭遇问题:目录下,打开 powershell,执行启动命令“docker-compose up --build --force-recreate --detach jd1”之后,会报错: : invalid signal specification '...ing into '/jd-scripts-docker_tmp mv: cannot stat '/jd-scripts-docker_tmp': No such file or directory /sync.sh: line 7: $'}\r': command not found '...ing into '/scripts_tmp mv: cannot stat '/scripts_tmp': No such file or directory /sync.sh: line 12: $'}\r': command not found /sync.sh: line 13: cd: /scripts: No such file or directory : numeric argument required ERROR: Service 'jd1' failed to build : The command '/bin/sh -c bash /sync.sh' returned a non-zero code: 2
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