Rust 用户 Rik Arends 表示新 MacBook Air 让编译 Rust 变得像写脚本语言一样轻松

2020-11-17 15:53:18 +08:00
Rik Arends,Rust 用户,在线多人协作 IDE Makepad 作者

Makepad on apple M1: had to add the target in Cargo Aaan BUILDS AND RUNS in one go! Go Rust! Compiles the whole thing release in 18!!! seconds. Compare that to my mb16 i9: 37 seconds. ITS TWICE the performance of an i9 on Rust compiles.

Wow i'm massively impressed now. The M1 cuts my compiletimes in HALF. Writing makepad in Rust is now almost like scripting a webpage :)

As of today i'm now looking at compiling a full desktop IDE in release mode with all deps in 18 seconds. I think Rust is starting to look very appealing with the arrival of the M1, the disadvantage of compiled languages on that domain is shrinking.

Many webpack/TS projects take a lot longer.

Comparing TDP: The i9 is a 45W TDP, the M1 is 10W. So apple cut the power by 4,5 and increased the compile speed by 2x. I think some CPU manufacturers are having a bad day.
4198 次点击
所在节点    Apple
25 条回复
2020-11-17 16:56:02 +08:00
@HXHL 还要看看交叉编译的效率了,过去从 arm 上交叉编译到 x86 不怎么多见。
2020-11-17 17:00:55 +08:00

Surface Pro X 上面的二进制转换效率目前来看不如苹果的 Rosetta2,微软那个只有一半性能,苹果的能有七八成。
2020-11-17 17:14:23 +08:00
@nguoidiqua 唔…微软真下决心做,估计还是行的,如果越来越多 x86 专业软件大玩家被拉到 arm 的阵营里,那对微软就伤筋动骨了
2020-11-17 19:54:49 +08:00
rust 后端是 llvm 啊,交叉编译有天然优势
2020-11-17 20:12:42 +08:00
@denvi 你可以收台 Surface RT 来玩玩,闲鱼上面 200 左右.

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